Acacia Water
Acacia Water is a water expert social enterprise. Our mission is to increase the availability of and access to clean and safe fresh water for everyone. We use knowledge and innovation to drive sustainable solutions. In our company we focus on 4 urgent topics: water security, water smart agriculture, water economy and governance, and sustainable groundwater. Our team of water experts comprises hydrologists, hydrogeologists, geologists, water management executives, RS&GIS officers, geochemists, water economists, (social) geography researchers and computer scientists. From offices in Gouda (the Netherlands) and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Acacia Water works on projects worldwide with strong presence in Western Europe, East-Africa and the MENA-region (Middle East and North-Africa). We ensure local attendance and collaboration when needed or beneficial. Our work is always practical and science-based. We believe in combining technical applications with social and economic insights for a positive impact.