Board 2024/2025
About Us
The board of the Earth Science Career Day Foundation consists of seven dedicated students, all currently pursuing a degree in geosciences.
Over the years, the Earth Science Career Event has flourished, fostering a strong and productive partnership between Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Utrecht University. For the 2024/2025 term, the board once again brings together students from both institutions.
Appointed during the GeoVUsie study association’s general members’ meeting, the SAL board serves a two-year term. Together, they take on the exciting challenge of organizing the next edition of the Earth Science Career Event.

Meet the ESCE board 2024/2025
Pien Hendriks
Hi! My name is Pien Hendriks, and this year I have the honor of serving as Chair of the 6th board of the Earth Science Career Day Foundation. I completed my bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences at Utrecht University and have recently started the master’s program in Marine Sciences.
This year, the event revolves around the theme ‘Elevate Your Impact.’ During the event, students will have the opportunity to explore the various sectors they might want to work in and discover the range of opportunities these fields offer. The theme perfectly reflects this focus!
I’m incredibly excited to help organize ESCE and make our edition a great success for both students and companies. See you there!
Niels Tuinman
Hi! My name is Niels Tuinman, and I’m the Secretary of the Earth Science Career Event 2025 board. I’m thrilled to help organize an event where students and companies can connect and inspire each other. Alongside this role, I’m pursuing a master’s degree in Geo-Information Science in Wageningen, following my bachelor’s in Earth, Economics, and Sustainability. Despite this transition, I remain actively involved with VU Amsterdam!
With this year’s theme, “Elevate Your Impact,” we aim to give students a glimpse into the professional world by showcasing how professionals make an impact through their daily work. We can’t wait to welcome everyone to this inspiring event!
Thomas van den Bosch
Hi there! My name is Thomas van den Bosch, and I’m an MSc student at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, specializing in Earth Sciences with a focus on Geology and Geochemistry. Ever since I was young, I’ve been fascinated by how our planet works, and that curiosity has never waned.
During the 2021-2022 academic year, I decided to take a gap year to serve as a board member of GeoVUsie. After that enriching experience, I sought a new challenge to continue my personal growth, which I found in the Earth Science Career Day Foundation (SAL). Now, as Treasurer, I’m responsible for budgets, invoices, and all other financial matters related to the Earth Science Career Event (ESCE). Together with my fellow board members, I look forward to organizing an incredible event. See you there!
Milou Bussing
Hi! My name is Milou Bussing, and I’m currently studying Earth Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. My focus lies in landscape formation, as well as reconstructing climates and landscapes, often alongside paleontology. I also work as a student assistant in the Geochemistry & Geology lab at VU.
This year, I’m taking on the role of Vice-Chair for the Earth Science Career Event. My primary responsibility is to support the Chair and assist the rest of the board to ensure we create the best event possible. It’s certainly a challenging task, but I’m confident that we’ll organize another fantastic edition. Through this event, I also hope to help students navigate the difficult decision of what comes next after earning their degree. I look forward to seeing you there!
Elise Witte
Hi! My name is Elise Witte, and I’m serving as the Acquisitions Manager for the ESCE 2024-2025 board. This means I am responsible for recruiting and maintaining contact with companies for the event. In addition to my board duties, I’m also a first-year master’s student in Hydrology at VU, where I focus on water-related issues such as droughts and floods. Through this work, I hope to contribute to a better world, which aligns with our theme for this year, ‘Elevate Your Impact.’
I’m excited to work alongside my fellow board members to inspire many students to increase their own impact in their future careers within the earth sciences!
Fleur Rothstegge
Hi! My name is Fleur Rothstegge, and I’m serving as the Logistics Coordinator for the Earth Science Career Event 2025 board. I’m currently in my first year of the master’s program in Earth, Life, and Climate at Utrecht University. My main interests lie in paleoceanography and climate processes, and I have a strong passion for research.
During my bachelor’s, I enjoyed organizing events, and I believe that the ESCE is the perfect next step for me, bridging the gap between event management and career development. I’m looking forward to connecting with various companies and am confident that we’ll make this edition a great success!
Caitlin Amels
Hi! My name is Caitlin Amels, and I’m responsible for PR for the upcoming edition of the Earth Science Career Event. This means I will manage all social media, create promotional content for the event, and work on the website, among other tasks. In September, I’ll be starting my master’s in Marine Sciences at Utrecht University.
At the ESCE, students will gain a clear understanding of the various fields within Earth Sciences. With such a broad range of options in a field like Earth Sciences, it can be difficult to envision a future career path. This career event will provide invaluable insight to help with that. I’m really looking forward to the event and am excited to work alongside my board to make this edition a great success for both students and companies!
Advisory Committee
Dr. Mark Bokhorst
Mark Bokhorst is the co-founder and coordinator of the bachelor’s and master’s program in Earth, Economics, and Sustainability at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, a program in which he earned his PhD in paleoclimatology. The program bridges the gap between understanding natural processes that continuously reshape our environment—such as climate change, groundwater hydraulics, sea level rise, soil subsidence, and earthquakes—and the spatial economic needs related to these processes, including safe living spaces, natural resources, energy, and drinking water.
Founded in 2007, this interdisciplinary beta-gamma program currently attracts about 80 students per year. It is consistently rated as the best of its kind in the Netherlands and one of the top programs at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Dr. Hans de Bresser
Hans de Bresser is professor in Teaching and Learning Environment Earth Sciences en vice-decaan Onderwijs van de faculteit Geowetenschappen van de Universiteit Utrecht. In de periode 2007-2014 was hij directeur van de opleiding Aardwetenschappen in Utrecht. Hij is een structureel geoloog van achtergrond, gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling van deformatiesstructuren in gesteenten. Na zijn PhD gericht op experimentele deformatie van calciet heeft hij kort gewerkt bij Shell, om vervolgens terug te keren naar de universiteit om verder experimenteel werk uit te voeren aan o.a. kalk en marmer, olivijngesteente, klei en steenzout, op thema’s variërend van ductiel gedrag bij hoge temperatuur, CO2 opslag in reservoirgesteente tot frictiegedrag in relatie tot aardbevingen. Hij verzorgt bachelor en master onderwijs in de structurele geologie en tektoniek, in het klaslokaal en in het veld.
Dr. Fraukje Brouwer
Fraukje Brouwer is a metamorphic petrologist, Associate Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences, and the Director of the Bachelor’s program in Earth Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Born and raised in Uden, nearly on top of the Peelrand Fault, Fraukje graduated in 1995 as a structural geologist from Utrecht University and completed her PhD in 2000 on the thermal development of high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Alps. After working as a researcher and lecturer in Washington DC, followed by three years as a postdoc at the University of Bern (Switzerland), she was appointed as a lecturer and researcher at VU in 2005.
Fraukje is now part of the Advisory Committee of the SAL for the third time. The SAL is an important event where Earth Sciences students can explore potential career paths, and where employers can connect with new talent. VU is proud to continue hosting the SAL for many years.
Dr. Paul Meijer
Fascinated by the application of physics to geological processes, I was fortunate to be able to enroll in a PhD program in tectonophysics after completing my geology studies. Since then, I have shifted my focus from tectonics to issues in sedimentary geology and paleoceanography. Using theory and models, I study how climate and, once again, tectonics influence the properties and evolution of semi-enclosed basins. I enjoy combining research with teaching and play an active role in organizing our educational program.
Dr. Anouk Beniest
Anouk Beniest is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research focuses on basin formation processes in back-arc basins. These basins are primarily underwater, which makes data collection quite challenging. To gather data, she frequently participates in scientific expeditions in the oceanic domain to collect geophysical data such as seismic, gravimetric, and magnetometric measurements, as well as rock samples.
Anouk earned her master’s degree in Earth Sciences from Utrecht University in 2013. Between 2015 and 2017, she conducted her PhD research at Sorbonne University in Paris. After two postdoctoral positions, one at VU Amsterdam and another at GEOMAR in Kiel, she assumed her current position.
In addition to her research and teaching, Anouk is dedicated to fostering a more accessible and inclusive society. Particularly in Earth Sciences, where research often transcends national borders, it is crucial to approach challenges from multiple perspectives through interdisciplinary teams of scientists.
Dr. Ir. Inge Loes ten Kate
Inge Loes ten Kate is well known among students for her role as Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Utrecht University, where she teaches and conducts research in planetary science. Since 2020, she has also been the chair of the Origins Center, a Dutch multidisciplinary initiative aimed at further understanding the origin of life on Earth and in the universe.
After completing a master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology and spending a year as a Research Engineer at the National Aerospace Laboratory, she earned her PhD in 2006 from Leiden University. This was followed by a postdoc at Leiden, and from 2006 to 2011, she worked as an Assistant Research Scientist at NASA through the University of Maryland in the United States. After conducting brief research in Oslo, Inge returned to the Netherlands in 2012. She began her work at Utrecht University as a researcher in the Department of Earth Sciences and has held her current position as Assistant Professor since 2016.
Dr. Sanne Muis
Sanne Muis works as a researcher at the research institute Deltares and also as a researcher/lecturer at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 2006, Sanne was part of the first cohort to enroll in the BSc Earth & Economics program at Vrije Universiteit. After taking a gap year, she chose to pursue an MSc in Hydrology.
In 2013, Sanne began her PhD research at Vrije Universiteit. During her PhD, she worked as a guest researcher at Deltares and at Princeton University in the United States. Her research focuses on the global risks of flooding in coastal areas, particularly the impact of sea-level rise and climate change. In addition to her research, she teaches courses on hydrology and climate change and supervises students in their graduation research.
Dr. Elisabeth Addink
Dr. Elisabeth Addink has been working at Utrecht University since 2003 as an Associate Professor in Remote Sensing, specializing in Object-Based Image Analysis. In 2010, she also served as co-chair for the GEOBIA conference in Ghent, Belgium.
Dr. Hans de Moel
Hans de Moel has been employed at the Institute for Environmental Studies since 2003 and currently works as an assistant professor in the field of flood risk management, climate change and adaptation. He is a certified university lecturer and teaches various BSc (Earth and Economy and Earth Sciences programs) and MSc (Environment and Resource Management program) courses. He aims to look in an integrated way at the natural system with its hazards, the impacts it can have on society and how this relates to the management of these hazards.
Dr. Ronald van Balen
Prof. Dr. Ronald van Balen is a professor in Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology at the Department of Earth Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He also has a background in structural geology and basin modeling. Following his PhD research on the Pannonian Basin (Hungary), he further specialized in tectonic geomorphology.
From 2014 to 2023, he was affiliated with TNO-Geological Survey of the Netherlands, where he initiated several PhD projects on the neotectonics of the Netherlands and the morphology, hydrology, and seismic history of active faults. He has served as an editor for Grondboor en Hamer and as the editor-in-chief for Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences.
Currently, he is a board member of the Landelijke Vereniging voor Geologische Activiteiten and a member of the scientific advisory boards for several Geoparks.